January 3-10, 2020
Your assignment was to read through page 161 in Purple Hibiscus for today! I hope you are there!
• 2 Minute Story Telling
• World News Today - 5 minutes
• 10 minutes - Reading Time.
• Found Poem pages140-161 in Purple Hibiscus. Make into a spoken word poem!!
• Read Purple Hibiscus pages 162-181 for Tuesday.
• 2 Minute Story Telling
• World News Today - 5 minutes
• 10 minutes - Reading Time.
• Go over • Found Poem pages140-161 in Purple Hibiscus. Share in small groups/with class and discuss.
• Begin/Discuss Purple Hibiscus pages 162-182 Belief, Tolerance, and Discovery
Go over both sides of the following:
• Purple Hibiscus Enugu and Nsukka - We did this before break, but didn't have a chance to discuss.
• Read Purple Hibiscus pages 182-205 for Wednesday
• 2 Minute Story Telling
• World News Today - 5 minutes
• 10 minutes - Reading Time.
• Study Guide - Insects in Purple Hibiscus
• Read Purple Hibiscus pages 206-216 for Thursday
• 2 Minute Story Telling
• World News Today - 5 minutes
• Final Exam Review. Review Sheet HERE
• 10 minutes - Reading Time.
• Read Purple Hibiscus pages 217-239 for Friday
• Current Events:
1st Karlee 2nd Janice 3rd Jack
• 2 minute story
• Register to vote! Bring your driver's License and last 4 digits of you SSN!
• In-Class reading time - Purple Hibiscus
• Read Purple Hibiscus pages 240-253for Monday
Do NOt read below.
Using Infographics to communicate complex ideas and relationships:
• Professional examples HERE
With a partner, create an infographic that depicts the major characters, places and ideas from Purple Hibiscus. HERE is a list of what you should include.
• Think about a controlling image, shapes, varied sizes, lines, colors, etc. Pay particular attention to how you arrange your information to make it easier to undertand! Remember, A well-designed infographic is a beautiful thing. Whether it’s visualizing a large amount of data or simply presenting information in a visual context, there’s no denying our brains love information design.
• Read Purple HIbiscus pages 110-139 for tomorrow
• Infographic continued. Finish by the end of the hour today!
• Present infographics to class if time permits
• Read Purple HIbiscus pages 140-161 for tomorrow
• Freewrite #1: Where do you feel comfortable/at home/peaceful? What makes that place feel that way to you?
• Freewrite #2: Where do you feel uncomfortable/on edge/trapped? What makes that place feel that way to you?
• Enugu (Papa's home), Abba (Papa's country home, Papa Nnukwu's home) and Nsukka (Aunty Ifeoma's home - university town)
• Draw what you see as I read:
• Daughters of the Immaculate Heart Secondary School - page 45, Nsukka school page 129
• The Markets - Enugu pages 43-44 and then Nsukka p. 111
• Houses - Enugu - page 7, Eugene's country home pages 58-59, Papa Nnukwu - page 63 and Aunty Ifeoma pages 113-114
• What conclusions can you draw about the different settings and how the setting influences Kambili?
• Write: Using specific examples from the novel (at least 2 quotations), explain how Adichie's use of setting reinforces Kambili's search for autonomy and freedom.
Possible Topic Sentence: Author + Verb + Term + Purpose
Adichie employs imagery to show the transformation of Kambili from controlled to free.
Evidence: In Enugu, the school walls were, "topped by jagged pieces of green glass with sharp edges jutting out" (45)
Analysis 1: The "jagged glass" on top of the walls make the walls impossible to escape.
Analysis 2: The closed in nature shows Kamili is controlled, like she is in jail, and can't make her own decisions.
Evidence Nsukka:
Analysis 1:
Analysis 2:
• Read Purple HIbiscus pages 162-185 for tomorrow
• Discuss Purple HIbiscus pages 162-185
• Read Purple HIbiscus pages 185-205 for tomorrow.
• Current Events Around the World:
1st: Jack
2nd: Jessie
3rd: Will S.
• In-Class Study Guide pages 206-239
• Purple Hibiscus reading if time allows
• Read Purple HIbiscus pages 206-239 for Tuesday
******Do Not Read Below - It's from last year ******
Your assignment was to read through page 109 in Purple Hibiscus for today!
New York Times' Year in Pictures - Flip through the pictures and see if you can recall the situation surrounding it.
In a small group (3) create and build a Visual Representation (Infographic) that focuses on a central theme of the novel, characters and settings. Make sure you include direct quotations for each charater and
Setting - Enugu, Nsukka, St. Nicholas, Daughters of Immaculate Heart Secondary School, Abba (55)
Characters - include Papa, Mama, Jaja, Kambili, Sisi, Kevin, Ade Coker, Yewande Coker, Father Benedict, Chinwe Jideze (46), Papa-Nnukwu (64),
Relationships between characters
Beliefs/world view for each character (use quotes), flaws/insecurities
Here's an example from Between Shades of Gray (on chalkboard)
Family Tree Examples:
1. Family and Wealth
2. Family and Crime
Read Purple Hibiscus pages 110-139
Continue Infographic.
Read Purple Hibiscus pages 140-161
Read Purple Hibiscus pages 162-185
List of Major themes so far in the novel
Write: Pick a theme from the book and write 1 page, using examples, how you can relate to this theme and what you believe.
Ted Talk Assignment -
How do you do a Ted Talk?
What are the characteristics (parts) of an effective Ted Talk
Do’s/Dont’s of Ted Talks
Examples of good/bad Ted Talks?
Read Purple Hibiscus pages 185-205
Guided Reading in class!
Read Purple Hibiscus pages 206-239
Your assignment was to read through page 161 in Purple Hibiscus for today! I hope you are there!
• 2 Minute Story Telling
• World News Today - 5 minutes
• 10 minutes - Reading Time.
• Found Poem pages140-161 in Purple Hibiscus. Make into a spoken word poem!!
• Read Purple Hibiscus pages 162-181 for Tuesday.
• 2 Minute Story Telling
• World News Today - 5 minutes
• 10 minutes - Reading Time.
• Go over • Found Poem pages140-161 in Purple Hibiscus. Share in small groups/with class and discuss.
• Begin/Discuss Purple Hibiscus pages 162-182 Belief, Tolerance, and Discovery
Go over both sides of the following:
• Purple Hibiscus Enugu and Nsukka - We did this before break, but didn't have a chance to discuss.
• Read Purple Hibiscus pages 182-205 for Wednesday
• 2 Minute Story Telling
• World News Today - 5 minutes
• 10 minutes - Reading Time.
• Study Guide - Insects in Purple Hibiscus
• Read Purple Hibiscus pages 206-216 for Thursday
• 2 Minute Story Telling
• World News Today - 5 minutes
• Final Exam Review. Review Sheet HERE
• 10 minutes - Reading Time.
• Read Purple Hibiscus pages 217-239 for Friday
• Current Events:
1st Karlee 2nd Janice 3rd Jack
• 2 minute story
• Register to vote! Bring your driver's License and last 4 digits of you SSN!
• In-Class reading time - Purple Hibiscus
• Read Purple Hibiscus pages 240-253for Monday
Do NOt read below.
Using Infographics to communicate complex ideas and relationships:
• Professional examples HERE
With a partner, create an infographic that depicts the major characters, places and ideas from Purple Hibiscus. HERE is a list of what you should include.
• Think about a controlling image, shapes, varied sizes, lines, colors, etc. Pay particular attention to how you arrange your information to make it easier to undertand! Remember, A well-designed infographic is a beautiful thing. Whether it’s visualizing a large amount of data or simply presenting information in a visual context, there’s no denying our brains love information design.
• Read Purple HIbiscus pages 110-139 for tomorrow
• Infographic continued. Finish by the end of the hour today!
• Present infographics to class if time permits
• Read Purple HIbiscus pages 140-161 for tomorrow
• Freewrite #1: Where do you feel comfortable/at home/peaceful? What makes that place feel that way to you?
• Freewrite #2: Where do you feel uncomfortable/on edge/trapped? What makes that place feel that way to you?
• Enugu (Papa's home), Abba (Papa's country home, Papa Nnukwu's home) and Nsukka (Aunty Ifeoma's home - university town)
• Draw what you see as I read:
• Daughters of the Immaculate Heart Secondary School - page 45, Nsukka school page 129
• The Markets - Enugu pages 43-44 and then Nsukka p. 111
• Houses - Enugu - page 7, Eugene's country home pages 58-59, Papa Nnukwu - page 63 and Aunty Ifeoma pages 113-114
• What conclusions can you draw about the different settings and how the setting influences Kambili?
• Write: Using specific examples from the novel (at least 2 quotations), explain how Adichie's use of setting reinforces Kambili's search for autonomy and freedom.
Possible Topic Sentence: Author + Verb + Term + Purpose
Adichie employs imagery to show the transformation of Kambili from controlled to free.
Evidence: In Enugu, the school walls were, "topped by jagged pieces of green glass with sharp edges jutting out" (45)
Analysis 1: The "jagged glass" on top of the walls make the walls impossible to escape.
Analysis 2: The closed in nature shows Kamili is controlled, like she is in jail, and can't make her own decisions.
Evidence Nsukka:
Analysis 1:
Analysis 2:
• Read Purple HIbiscus pages 162-185 for tomorrow
• Discuss Purple HIbiscus pages 162-185
• Read Purple HIbiscus pages 185-205 for tomorrow.
• Current Events Around the World:
1st: Jack
2nd: Jessie
3rd: Will S.
• In-Class Study Guide pages 206-239
• Purple Hibiscus reading if time allows
• Read Purple HIbiscus pages 206-239 for Tuesday
******Do Not Read Below - It's from last year ******
Your assignment was to read through page 109 in Purple Hibiscus for today!
New York Times' Year in Pictures - Flip through the pictures and see if you can recall the situation surrounding it.
In a small group (3) create and build a Visual Representation (Infographic) that focuses on a central theme of the novel, characters and settings. Make sure you include direct quotations for each charater and
Setting - Enugu, Nsukka, St. Nicholas, Daughters of Immaculate Heart Secondary School, Abba (55)
Characters - include Papa, Mama, Jaja, Kambili, Sisi, Kevin, Ade Coker, Yewande Coker, Father Benedict, Chinwe Jideze (46), Papa-Nnukwu (64),
Relationships between characters
Beliefs/world view for each character (use quotes), flaws/insecurities
Here's an example from Between Shades of Gray (on chalkboard)
Family Tree Examples:
1. Family and Wealth
2. Family and Crime
Read Purple Hibiscus pages 110-139
Continue Infographic.
Read Purple Hibiscus pages 140-161
- Family Tree/chart discussion - include plot review as we discuss
- Activity: Look at sections of the book (5 key events, What are the key things we learn in this section, What is the effect of Adichie’s choices in plot and structure?
- Speaking with our Spirits
- Breaking Gods
- The Pieces of Gods
- What do they mean so far? Predict what will happen?
Read Purple Hibiscus pages 162-185
List of Major themes so far in the novel
Write: Pick a theme from the book and write 1 page, using examples, how you can relate to this theme and what you believe.
Ted Talk Assignment -
How do you do a Ted Talk?
What are the characteristics (parts) of an effective Ted Talk
Do’s/Dont’s of Ted Talks
Examples of good/bad Ted Talks?
Read Purple Hibiscus pages 185-205
Guided Reading in class!
Read Purple Hibiscus pages 206-239