Mr. Packard will be out Wednesday and Thursday this week for a minor surgical procedure.
Make Sure you get your Book Group for our first meeting on 2/10/20
• 2 Minute Story
• In-Class Reading - A Temporary Matter
• Moth Monday
• Listen to/View Moth on Youtube - HERE
• Write: What did you notice about this Moth story?
• Writing
1. Create list of names:
Elementary school friend / ex friend
Middle School friend / ex friend
People you worked with (all ages)
Friend / Coach from sports / music / theater
People I met in the summer
Parent’s friends
Distant relatives
2. Write about one of the people you listed- someone who entered and left your life and who you remember vividly.
1. When did this person enter your life?
2. Describe him / her.
3. What was your relationship? How often did you see this person / in what context?
4. What did you observe or notice most about this person (his / her behaviors, beliefs, actions, personality, life) in the time that you knew him / her?
5. When did this person leave your life? What were the circumstances?
6. As you think back, why is this person memorable?
7. Do you miss them? What do you miss about them?
8. What did you learn about yourself and the world as a result of this person?
3. Discuss at your tables.
• HW:
• Make sure you get your Book Group Book!
• 2 Minute Story
• A Temporary Matter pre-reading - HERE
• In Class Reading - A Temporary Matter
• PowerPoint introducing Jhumpa Lahiri, Interpreter of Maladies, and "A Temporary Matter"
Wednesday - Packard will not be in school today
• 2 Minute Story
• Discuss “A Temporary Matter” using worksheet
• HW
• Finish A Temporary Matter worksheet if not already done.
Thursday - Packard will not be in school today
• In-Class Reading - When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine
Complete worksheet on "Pirzada"
• 2 Minute Story
• Current Events Around the World
• 1st . 2nd . 3rd
• Prereading for Interpreter of Maladies
• HW:
• Read section 1 in your Book Group Book for Monday - bring 5 quotes as evidence of close reading!
Make Sure you get your Book Group for our first meeting on 2/10/20
• 2 Minute Story
• In-Class Reading - A Temporary Matter
• Moth Monday
• Listen to/View Moth on Youtube - HERE
• Write: What did you notice about this Moth story?
• Writing
1. Create list of names:
Elementary school friend / ex friend
Middle School friend / ex friend
People you worked with (all ages)
Friend / Coach from sports / music / theater
People I met in the summer
Parent’s friends
Distant relatives
2. Write about one of the people you listed- someone who entered and left your life and who you remember vividly.
1. When did this person enter your life?
2. Describe him / her.
3. What was your relationship? How often did you see this person / in what context?
4. What did you observe or notice most about this person (his / her behaviors, beliefs, actions, personality, life) in the time that you knew him / her?
5. When did this person leave your life? What were the circumstances?
6. As you think back, why is this person memorable?
7. Do you miss them? What do you miss about them?
8. What did you learn about yourself and the world as a result of this person?
3. Discuss at your tables.
• HW:
• Make sure you get your Book Group Book!
• 2 Minute Story
• A Temporary Matter pre-reading - HERE
• In Class Reading - A Temporary Matter
• PowerPoint introducing Jhumpa Lahiri, Interpreter of Maladies, and "A Temporary Matter"
Wednesday - Packard will not be in school today
• 2 Minute Story
• Discuss “A Temporary Matter” using worksheet
• HW
• Finish A Temporary Matter worksheet if not already done.
Thursday - Packard will not be in school today
• In-Class Reading - When Mr. Pirzada Came to Dine
Complete worksheet on "Pirzada"
• 2 Minute Story
• Current Events Around the World
• 1st . 2nd . 3rd
• Prereading for Interpreter of Maladies
• HW:
• Read section 1 in your Book Group Book for Monday - bring 5 quotes as evidence of close reading!